On June 15, 2024, Widewater State Park will host an event dedicated to the life and work of Palmer Hayden, a celebrated artist from Widewater. The event will run from 1 to 3 p.m. throughout the park.
Palmer Hayden, born on January 15, 1890, in Widewater, in Stafford County, became a prominent painter during the Harlem Renaissance. His paintings are known for depicting everyday life in African-American communities.
Despite holding various jobs throughout his life, including being a member of the Ringling Brothers’ Circus and serving in the Army’s all-African American 24th infantry regiment during World War I, Hayden remained dedicated to his art. Some of his notable works include “A Midsummer Night in Harlem,” “A Janitor Who Paints,” and “Baptism at Widewater.”
The event will include a walk to the Palmer Hayden marker inside the park, where attendees will learn about his life and contributions to art. Following this, participants will have the chance to watercolor a scene, inspired by Hayden’s style. The event is open to all ages and skill levels.
A standard $20 visitor parking fee applies. There are no extra fees for participating in the event, and children are welcome.
For more information, contact Widewater State Park at 540-288-1400 or email widewater@dcr.virginia.gov.